Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Beginning

Well, for about a month this has been one of the least interesting blogs in the world, but now that I am in Varanasi, my home for the next 7 months and a city with decent internet access, it should begin to be come slightly more interesting. When I get some time during the next week I will slowly begin to recount what I have been doing for the past month and re-post some of the things that I have already written for the Dragons homepage ( here.
Just to give you a taste of what news is coming soon, here is a quick list of all the things that have happened to me over the past month that I will elaborate on in future posts. Since arriving in India I have: traveled by rickshaw, auto rickshaw, overnight train, and jeep, visited three separate provinces, destroyed and rebuilt a house, seen the Himalayas, watched two goats (one of which I owned) be sacrificed, become almost entirely vegetarian, learned a significant amount of Hindi, started using only squat toilets and bucket showers, seen a king on an elephant, watched a traditional Indian play, visited numerous temples, started doing yoga, watched the sun rise over the Ganges, met my new Indian family, drank more chai then I though was possible and numerous other things that I don't have time to list now.